Tips for the first 48hours post birth
Pack PJ/tracky bottoms that are dark colours - if I had a dollar for amount of times I have seen mamas pack beautiful grey or light coloured bottoms only to end up with a visible red patch on their crutch or bottom within a few hours I’d be rich.
Take more pairs of underwear than you think you’ll need - the one pair for each day rule doesn’t apply. There’s lots of fluids involved in birth and the postpartum so throw in a few more than you think you’ll need.
You want tops that give you quick easy access to the boob. Tops that you’re able to unbutton make breastfeeding and skin to skin time simpler.
When packing your toiletries, aim for products that aren’t super scented. Scent is a really important factor in feeding/bonding for both you and bub. We don’t wanna cover up your natural scent with strong aromas. When showering avoid washing your chest with soaps/body wash.
Hospitals don’t tend to have baby wipes on hand, and many don’t have nappies so pop enough in your bag to last a couple of days. Some babies poop up to 5 times a day so you want a few .
Skin to skin time for your partner is also a really important part of their bonding with bub. Once bub has had their first feed and has been skin to skin with you for at least an hour - consider getting your partner to take their top off & have some bonding time with bub.
Restrictions in the hospital at current can be really challenging for new families. Utilise technology to enable your partner to be involved in any little moments/education that they aren’t present for. Get them on FaceTime & encourage them to ask the midwife or doctors questions so that they feel in the loop and are involved in those early moments postpartum.
Consider holding off on the official birth announcement until 24hours post birth. Understandably it’s an incredibly exciting time and we want to shout it from the rooftops but those first hours spent as a family are so precious - use them to bond, be in the present moment bathe in the oxytocin love fest instead of spending it on your phone, texting, talking & responding to messages and questions.
Take a moment to pat yourself on the back and acknowledge you’ve just been through the birth portal and welcomed your little human earth-side – whether it be via a vaginal birth, a caesarean birth or instrumental birth – you’re a badass warrior. Congratulations x