Further Resources
Labour Physiology
Labour Physiology - A quick overview of the transformation of the uterus and cervix during labour.
Your Hormones are Your Helpers by Dr Sarah Buckley
Hormonal Physiology of Childbearing by Dr Sarah Buckley (this is a very comprehensive report)
The Effective Labour Contraction - Dr Rachel Reed
The Rhombus of Michaelis - Dr Sara Wickham
Oxytocin levels during physiological childbirth
Beta Endorphins
Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering: A Doctor;s Guide to Natural Childbirth and Gentle Early Parenting Choices
Ecstatic birth: the hormonal blueprint of labour by Sarah Buckley
Difference between:
Hypnobirthing Australia & Mongan Method
Hypnobirthing & Calmbirth
Binaural Beats
Tranquil Chambers
Aromatherapy, Acupressure & Massage
Aromatherapy during Labor for Pain Relief
Acupressure & Aromatherapy for Labour & Birth E-book by Chloe Thornton & Kate Thomson
‘Acupressure for Labour Booklet’ by Debra Betts
Massage, reflexology and other manual methods for pain management in labour - Hannah Dahlen
Evidence on essential oil use during pregnancy, birth and the postpartum - Evidence Based Birth
Self Hypnosis Tracks for deep relaxation
Long play relaxation tracks
Progressive Relaxation - 30mins
Gentlebirth app - pregnancy and labour companion app
Freya app - pregnancy and labour companion app
Breathing Techniques for Birth & Pregnancy Explained by World Experts
Other Hypnosis Tracks by Hypnobirthing Australia
Caesarean Birth Calm & Relaxed
Prompts for Birthing
Baby Come Out
Breech Turn
Breastfeeding & Bonding with baby
Fear Release
Surge of the Sea
Glove of Endorphins
More information and resources for you
Acupressure & Aromatherapy Resources
Course, E-book & cheatsheet to support your learning
Folio Script Recordings & Meditation
In case you would like to listen to those .
Hypnobirthing Birth Stories
Birth Stories so generously shared by my clients