knowledge is power
knowledge is power 〰️
Below lies a comprehensive resource library that is designed to assist birthing families in their quest to make informed and empowered decisions throughout pregnancy, birth & beyond.
DISCLAIMER: Information provided on the site is for educational purposes only and is general in nature. Information, posts and articles shared on this site are not a substitute for professional medical advice and individualised assessment by a doctor or midwife. Consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you are seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.
The topics within this library are listed in alphabetical order. Clicking on the relevant title will open a drop down section housing relevant resources on that topic for your further exploration.
Ten things I wish every woman knew about induction of labour - Dr Sarah Wickham
Pros and Cons of the Foley and Dilapan-S® for Cervical Ripening During an Induction
Induction of labour at or before 42 weeks of pregnancy: new evidence - Dr Sara Wickham
Post-Dates Induction of Labour: balancing risks - Dr Rachel Reed
World-first study links birth interventions and long-term childhood illness
Synthetic Oxytocin (Pitocin, Syntocinon): Unpacking the myths and side-effects - Dr Sarah Buckley
The ARRIVE Trial – should every mother be induced? - Dr Sarah Buckley
Paracetamol Use in Labour – Could it possibly prolong labour?
Epidurals for Pain Relief during Labor - Evidence Based Birth
Effects of Epidurals on the Second Stage of Labor - Evidence Based Birth
Epidurals – Dr Sarah Buckley – Evidence-based information about the effects for mother and baby
What is the success/failure rate of epidurals? - Dr Sara Wickham
Evidence on: Prolonged Second Stage of Labor - Evidence Based Birth
Surge Breathing technique video (watch this again as you near your birthing time)
Pushing for First Time Mum’s (podcast – great whether you are a first time mother or not!)
Pushing in labour - spontanous vs. directed - A. Watkins 2020
Perineal techniques during the second stage of labour for reducing perineal trauma - Dr Sara Wickham
Evidence on: Pitocin®/Oxytocin During the Third Stage of Labor - Evidence Based Birth
Birth of the Placenta – Dr Rachel Reed – Very comprehensive – read it to the end!
Update to the Cochrane review on approaches to the birth of the placenta - Dr Sara Wickham
Can I have a natural placental birth after induction? Dr Sarah Wickham
Alternative ways to check ‘dilation’ (including the purple line)
Assessing cervical dilatation without VEs: Watching the purple line - Dr Sara Wickham
Cervical dilation is (now mathematically shown to be) unpredictable - Dr Sara Wickham
Routine vaginal examinations for assessing progress of labour - Prof Hannah Dahlen